Proefschrift Kerklaan

Evidence for the use of PN in the PICU

search, 8 articles were retained 10-17 . Of these, full text reading resulted in exclusion of another 2 articles, one that was related to EN instead of PN and one was not a RCT 15,16 . Table 1 gives an overview of the 6 trials, of which 1 was a post-hoc analysis of one of 5 RCTs 11 , that were identified as relevant for this review. As the retained studies used different interventions and outcome measures they could not be analyzed in a formal meta-analysis.

EMBASE 468 articles

Hand search 2 articles

MEDLINE 213 articles




584 articles

NICU 17 Not PN related 247 Not PICU related 31 Adult population 15 Study on glycemic control 3

Title screening

114 articles

Adult population 33 NICU 18 Descriptive studies 31 Review 24

Abstract screening

8 articles

No RCT 1 Not PN related 1

Text screening

6 articles

Figure 1. Flowchart of screening process NICU=Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, PN=Parenteral Nutrition, RCT=Randomized Controlled Trial


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