Proefschrift Kerklaan
Evidence for the use of PN in the PICU
Supplementary Table 1. Search strategy
Ovid MEDLINE search strategy ((Critically ill OR critical illnesses OR “Critical Care”[Mesh:NoExp] OR critical care[tiab] OR “Intensive Care”[Mesh:NoExp] OR intensive care[tiab] OR icu[tiab] OR “Intensive Care Units”[Mesh:NoExp] OR burn unit OR burn center* OR sepsis) AND (children OR toddler*[tiab] OR “Infant”[Mesh:NoExp] OR infant[tiab] OR infants[tiab] OR “Infant, Newborn”[Mesh:NoExp] OR newborn[tiab] OR newborns[tiab] OR neonate[tiab] OR neonates[tiab] OR newborn[tiab] OR newborns[tiab] OR babies[tiab] OR baby[tiab] OR adolescents OR teen[tiab] OR teenager[tiab] OR teenagers[tiab] OR youth[tiab] OR pediatric[tiab] OR paediatric[tiab])) OR “Intensive Care Units, Pediatric”[Mesh:NoExp] OR PICU[tiab] AND (“Parenteral Nutrition”[Mesh:NoExp] OR “Parenteral Nutrition, Total”[Mesh:NoExp] OR parenteral feeding*[tiab] OR intravenous feeding*[tiab] OR “Parenteral Nutrition Solutions”[Mesh]) AND (“randomized controlled trials as topic”[MeSH Terms] OR (“randomized”[All Fields] AND “controlled”[All Fields] AND “trials”[All Fields] AND “topic”[All Fields]) OR “randomized controlled trials as topic”[All Fields] OR (“randomized”[All Fields] AND “controlled”[All Fields] AND “trial”[All Fields]) OR “randomized controlled trial”[All Fields]) Alternative: (Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic OR Random Allocation OR Double Blind Method OR Single Blind Method OR clinical trial OR clinical trial, phase i[Publication Type] OR clinical trial, phase ii[Publication Type] OR clinical trial, phase iii[Publication Type] OR clinical trial, phase iv[Publication Type] OR controlled clinical trial[Publication Type] OR randomized controlled trial[Publication Type] OR multicenter study[Publication Type] OR clinical trial [Publication Type] OR Clinical Trials as topic OR (clinical AND trial*) OR ((singl* OR doubl* OR treb* OR tripl*) AND (blind* OR mask*)) OR placebos OR placebo* OR randomly allocated OR (allocated AND random*)) #55 ‘clinical trial’/exp OR ‘clinical trial’ OR ‘randomized controlled trial’/exp OR ‘randomized controlled trial’ OR ‘randomization’/exp OR’randomization’ OR ‘single blind procedure’/ exp OR ‘single blind procedure’ OR ‘double blind procedure’/exp OR ‘double blind procedure’ OR ‘crossover procedure’/exp OR ‘crossover procedure’ OR ‘placebo’/exp OR ‘placebo’ OR (randomi?ed AND controlledAND trial* AND [embase]/lim) OR (rct AND [embase]/lim) OR (‘random allocation’/exp OR ‘random allocation’ AND [embase]/lim) OR (‘randomly allocated’ AND [embase]/lim) OR (‘allocated randomly’ AND [medline]/lim) OR (allocated NEAR/2 random AND [embase]/lim) OR (‘single blind$’ AND [embase]/lim) OR (‘double blind$’ AND [embase]/lim) OR ((treble OR triple) NEAR/2 blind$ AND [embase]/ lim) OR (placebo$ AND [embase]/lim) OR ‘prospective study’/exp OR ‘prospective study’ NOT (‘case study’/exp OR ‘case study’ OR (‘case report’/exp OR ‘case report’ AND [embase]/lim) OR ‘abstract report’/exp OR ‘abstract report’ OR ‘letter’/exp OR ‘letter’) Ovid EMBASE search strategy #56 #54 AND #55
#54 #52 AND #53
#53 #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48
#52 #38 OR #39 OR #51
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