Dopamine D2 receptors and cognitive flexibility
Supplementary results
Table S3.1 Effects of drugs on prolactin levels Blood samples were used to determine prolactin values before drug intake and approximately 2.25 hours after bromocriptine intake and 2.75 hours after sulpiride intake (see methods). All drug-induced changes in prolactin values were significantly different from that during the placebo session. Moreover, we observed no correlations between drug -induced prolactin levels and drug-induced switching performance (all p > .7)
Sulpiride & Bromocriptine
Mean (s.e.d.) difference from placebo (df = 45) Mean (s.e.d.) difference from placebo (df= 13)
- 130.9 (19.9) **
-99.6 (24) *
2010 (259) **
1964.3 (259.3) **
* = p < .002, ** = p < .001 s.e.d. = standard error of the difference between drug and placebo Sulpiride & bromocriptine versus sulpiride: t (13) = - 0.27, p = .79
Table S3.2a Mean response times and error rates on reward and switching for the DAT1 9R carriers ( n = 21)
High reward
Low reward
Switch 12.21 (1.52) 348.6 (12.59)
Switch 16.28 (2.06) 358.97 (13.58)
Errors (%) (s.e.m.) *, 1 RT (ms) (s.e.m.) +, 2 Errors (%) (s.e.m.) *, 3
8.27 (1.45)
9.29 (1.58)
344.17 (11.58)
350.78 (14.25)
7.52 (1.5)
12.25 (1.61) 356 (11.9)
11.22 (1.96)
15.93 (1.69)
RT (ms) (s.e.m.) +
361.3 (11.82)
360.21 (11.83)
368.97 (14.97)
s.e.m. = standard error of the mean Significant effects:
*Main effect of reward: F(1,20) = 19, p < .001], main effect of switching: F(1,20) = 32.3, p < .001 1 switching: F(1,20) = 40.7, p < .001; reward: F(1,20) = 5.1, p < .04; 2 switching: F(1,20) = 7.4, p < .02 3 switching: F(1,20) = 13.1, p < .002; reward: F(1,20) = 14.9, p < .001 +Main effect of reward: F(1,20) = 6.4, p < .02
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