List of publications
List of publications Published work
1. Ma I, van Holstein M , Mies G, Mennes M, Buitelaar J, Cools R, Cillessen AHN , Krebs RM, Scheres A (2016) Ventral striatal hyperconnectivity during rewarded interference control in adolescents with ADHD. Cortex 2. Bradfield LA, Dezfouli A, van Holstein M , Chieng B, Balleine BW (2015) Medial Orbitofrontal CortexMediates Outcome Retrieval in PartiallyObservable Task Situations. Neuron 88:1268-1280. 3. Aarts E*, vanHolsteinM* , HoogmanM, OnninkM, Kan C, Franke B, Buitelaar J, Cools R (2015) Reward modulation of cognitive function in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a pilot study on the role of striatal dopamine. Behav Pharmacol 26:227-240. 4. Cools R, Geurts DEM, van Holstein M (2013) Onderzoek naar gedragscontrole op het Donders Instituut. In: Wetenschappelijke doorbraken in de klas! DNA, Gedrag en Infecties onder de loep (Peeters MF, Meijer W, Verhoeff R, eds). Nijmegen. 5. van Holst RJ, van Holstein M , van den Brink W, Veltman DJ, Goudriaan AE (2012) Response inhibition during cue reactivity in problem gamblers: an fMRI study. PLoS One 7:e30909. 6. Aarts E, van Holstein M , Cools R (2011) Striatal Dopamine and the Interface between Motivation and Cognition. Front Psychol 2:163. 7 . van Holstein M* , Aarts E*, van der Schaaf ME, Geurts DE, Verkes RJ, Franke B, van Schouwenburg MR, Cools R (2011) Human cognitive flexibility depends on dopamine D2 receptor signaling. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 218:567-578.
* = shared first author
Papers in preparation 8. van Holstein M , Bradfield LA, Aarts E, Balleine BW Nucleus accumbens core lesions in rodents impair rewarded task-switching.
9. van Holstein M , Froboese M, O’Shea J, Aarts E, Cools R Controlling dorsolateral striatal function via anterior frontal cortex stimulation.
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